Streaming component combinators
Mario Blažević Senior Software Developer Stilo International Ltd
Keywords: streaming; markup; combinator; framework
We present a small framework for building and reusing
components for processing of markup streams. The core of the
framework is built around two concepts that, as far as we
know, have not been used in this area so far: the concept of
splitter components that
follow a common interface and contract, and the concept of
generic component combinators that can be used to
combine arbitrary splitter and filter components into
higher-level components.
1 Introduction
Streaming, in the context of this paper, means processing data
as it is being delivered. There are two reasons why streaming
is important for markup processing. One is that streaming
applications do not need to load their whole input into main
memory at once, and hence achieve better performance and
scalability compared to DOM and other technologies dependent
on data-structure representations of the input. The other
reason is that many applications are naturally expressed in
producer-consumer or producer-filter-consumer patterns. The
ability to express streaming makes these types of applications
much easier to build. See
Morrison 1994
] for a more detailed justification of
the streaming paradigm.
Today's mainstream programming languages are unfortunately not
particularly well-suited to the streaming model [
Wilmott 2003
]. While it may be easy to implement a
simple stream processor, its reuse in the context of a larger
streaming application is quite difficult in comparison to the
simple reuse of the native programming language concepts like
functions or classes.
Another way to support streaming is at the operating system
level. Small, reusable streaming applications have
traditionally been encouraged in the Unix environment [
Raymond 2003
]. CMS Pipelines [
Hartmann 1992
] provide support for more
sophisticated streaming applications. At this level, however,
the stream processors are treated as black boxes that cannot
be type-checked, nor fused and optimized in other ways. The
inter-process communication is also much more expensive than
language-supported mechanisms would be.
To summarize, neither the programming languages nor the
operating systems provide a satisfactory glue logic for
combining streaming components together. For these and other
reasons, several attempts have been made to provide the
missing support for streaming applications in the shape of a
framework. To date,
however, their impact has been limited. One reason for this
state of affairs may be that existing frameworks are not
modular enough. They provide various reusable components as
well as glue logic needed to combine them into a pipeline.
However, the generic components that the existing frameworks
emphasize are filters. Two components in a filter class can be
trivially combined together into a single filter component.
There is no simple way to combine more complex components
together. Some frameworks allow the user to combine components
by connecting their ports together, but this style of
component network specification is much more difficult to
master than the simple pipelining of two filters.
This paper is a proposal to introduce a new class of generic
components that offers more potential for gluing than filters
do, but at the same time remains easy to reason about. All
components used in this paper, both basic and higher-level
component combinators, have been implemented in OmniMark
OmniMark 2006
], version 8. Some of the component
implementations have been omitted to conserve space. The same
design could be replicated in other general-purpose
programming languages. One likely constraint is that the
implementation language should support coroutines in some form
Wilmott 2003
1.1 Related work
The importance of streaming transformations of markup has
long been recognized. There has been ongoing work on
creating streaming implementations of standardized
markup-processing and querying languages, XPath [
Peng 2005
Olteanu 2004
], XSLT and XQuery
Florescu 2004
Fegaras 2002
] among them. However,
the design of these languages is such that no implementation
can guarantee streaming behaviour. Other efforts have been
focused on defining streaming subsets of the aforementioned
languages, as well as specially-designed languages that
fully support streaming processing, like OmniMark [
OmniMark 2006
], Sequential XPath
Desai 2001
] and Streaming Transformations
for XML [
Becker 2003
Streaming component frameworks seem to have been reinvented
several times. Most of these frameworks, however, are
designed to work on coarse-grained filter components. Some
examples are XPipe
XPipe 2002
], XML Pipeline
XML Pipeline 2002
], Cocoon [
Apache 2006
], and iFlow [
Lui 2000
Possible exceptions are STnG [
Krupnikov 2003
], as
well as THREADS [
Morrison 1994
] which can apply
components to arbitrary parts of the framework input.
However, none of the listed frameworks seem to try to
formally classify the components into abstract classes, nor
define any generic component combinators that would operate
on instances of component classes.
On the other hand, plenty of work has been done on
combinator frameworks in general, especially in the
functional programming language community. The parser component combinators
Hutton 1996
] are closely related to
this work. A nice implementation of a parser combinator
library is Parsec
Leijen 2001
]. The main difference between a
parser combinator framework and a streaming component
combinator framework, such as the one presented here, is
that parser frameworks are streaming only on their input
side. On the output side, they produce a well-defined and
structured result from the input source, typically a parse
tree. This is possible only because a parser deals with
highly structured and constrained input. Once some input is
parsed and the result constructed, the input is no longer
necessary. In contrast, a streaming component combinator
framework has to deal with input that is only weakly
structured; in many cases the only meaningful result of
processing any single component is just a rearrangement of
the component's input.
There are also combinator frameworks for XML document
processing, HaXML [
Wallace 1999
] for example.
While many of the combinators defined by HaXML resemble
ours, there are two important differences: HaXML combinators
operate exclusively on filters and ad hoc Haskell function types,
and HaXML operates on a parsed document tree and therefore
is not streaming. The latter constraint appears to be shared
by all XML combinator frameworks implemented in Haskell
today. The XPath implementation in Scheme, SXPath
Lisovsky 2003
], provides combinators that operate
on nodeset-transforming functions, which are also not
designed for streaming.
The most recent work [
Shivers 2006
] finally applies the combinator
approach to streaming components by using continuation
passing to transfer control. The early results are
promising, but most attention is still devoted to simple
linear pipelines of filter components.
2 Streaming component types
2.1 Filters
A filter is a streaming component with one data source and
one data sink. The concept of streaming filter components
has been recognized for some time, and is a part of
programmers' vocabulary in many areas. A filter component
takes a data stream as its input, transforms it, and
produces another data stream as its output. The best-known
example of filters is probably the Unix piping model [
Raymond 2003
A filter component has a responsibility to consume its whole
input. It is not allowed to simply terminate in the middle
of processing of its input. If one filter in a pipeline
terminates, the whole pipeline dies with it.
In OmniMark, a filter component can be represented as an
abstract data type with a single operation apply-filter, illustrated below
in figure 1:
Figure 1: "Abstract filter component"

[Graphic entity abstract-filter-figure — EML2006bla050901.png]
export record filter
export dynamic overloaded function
apply-filter value filter filter
from value string source filter-source
into value string sink filter-sink
not-reached message "The base function apply-filter must be overridden!"
A concrete filter implementation must extend the abstract
filter type and override
its apply-filter method.
Several concrete filter examples are given next.
2.1.1 Basic filters
as-is is a simple
filter that passes its input through unmodified.
; record declaration
declare record identity-filter extends filter
; constructor definition
export filter function
return new identity-filter {}
; apply-filter method overriding
define overriding function
apply-filter value identity-filter filter
from value string source filter-source
into value string sink filter-sink
put filter-sink filter-source |
The replace-by filter
is parametrized by a string parameter at creation
time. This filter replaces its whole input by the
; record declaration
declare record constant-filter extends filter
field string replacement
; constructor definition
export filter function
replace-by value string replacement
local constant-filter result
set result:replacement to replacement
return result
; apply-filter method overriding
define overriding function
apply-filter value constant-filter filter
from value string source filter-source
into value string sink filter-sink
put filter-sink filter:replacement
put #suppress filter-source |
suppress filter
suppresses all input it receives. It is equivalent to
replace-by "".
error filter
reports an error if any input reaches it.
prepend filter
passes its input unmodified, except for prepending a
given constant string parameter before it.
append filter
passes its input unmodified, except for appending a
given constant string parameter to its end.
treats its whole input as a URL or a file path and
outputs the content of the file.
2.1.2 Markup filters
The filters listed in the previous section are
generic, in the sense that they can be applied to any form
of character input stream. But if we restrict our
attention to inputs in a particular format, we can provide
many more interesting filters. The more specific the input
is, the more sophisticated the possible processing
components can get. For example, we can apply the
following filters to any input in XML format:
xml-escape escapes
the XML markup so it can be embedded as an XML element
content. It replaces ">" characters by
">" etc. Its inverse is xml-unescape which performs
the opposite operation, by expanding all escaped XML
character entities.
renames all top-level occurrences of any XML element
in its input to the given name.
renames all top-level elements'
attributes with the given name to the other given
attribute name.
adds an attribute with a given name and value to all
top-level elements in its input.
removes all top-level element attributes in its input
that match the given attribute name.
The inputs and outputs of XML-specific components are not
well-formed XML documents, but rather streams of
well-formed mixed content.
2.1.3 Buffering filters
There is a large class of filters that have to buffer
their whole input before they can produce any result.
These are not streaming components in any
sense, but since they expose their functionality through a
streaming interface they can still be used in a streaming
component framework. The trick is to restrict their usage
to the parts of the stream which must be processed in this
way. Unfortunately, the burden of deciding which parts
those are is on the user.
xml-sort-by-attribute sorts
the top-level elements in its input by the value of
the attribute with the given name.
sorts the top-level elements in its input by the value
of their content.
counts all characters in its input and outputs the
number in decimal form.
2.2 Splitters
A splitter is a streaming component with one data
source and two sinks. A pure splitter component is not
supposed to modify its input in any way; instead, it streams
portions of its input stream to either of its two outputs.
Every bit from the input stream has to be present in one or
the other of the output streams. Secondly, the outputs have
to be properly interleaved. Another way of stating the
invariants is to say that if the two sinks of any pure
splitter are connected together, the component acts as an
identity transform.
The concept of splitters, together with the operations that
can be applied to them, is the only new technical
contribution this paper has to offer. The streaming
component frameworks have been researched and built before,
but the emphasis has mostly been on filters. That is not to
say that no framework contained splitter components before.
The previous work on streaming pipeline frameworks has
mostly seen splitters as large, ad
hoc components that must be provided by the
In OmniMark, a splitter component can be represented as an
abstract data type with a single operation split that takes one data source
and two sinks as arguments:
Figure 2: Abstract splitter component

[Graphic entity abstract-splitter-figure — EML2006bla050902.png]
export record splitter
export dynamic string sink function
split (value splitter sp,
value string sink true,
value string sink false)
not-reached message "The base method split must be overridden!"
The concrete splitter instances must extend the base
splitter type and
override the method split. In the examples that
follow, the OmniMark code will be elided for brevity.
2.2.1 Basic splitters
all-true and
splitters simply pass their entire input to the
true and
false sink,
The whitespace
splitter passes all whitespace to its true sink, and the rest of
the input to its false sink.
The lines splitter
passes the contents of every line in its input to the
true sink, and all
line-end characters to the false sink.
The substring splitter
is parametrized by a constant string value. Whenever it
encounters the given string in its input, it passes it
to the true sink. All the rest of the input goes to
the false sink.
; record declaration
declare record substring-splitter extends splitter
field string substring
; constructor definition
export splitter function
substring value string substring
local substring-splitter result
set result:substring to substring
return result
; split method overriding
define overriding string sink function
split (value substring-splitter self,
value string sink true,
value string sink false)
repeat scan #current-input
match ~self:substring
put true self:substring
match any => one
put false one
again |
prefix and
suffix are similar
to the substring
splitter, except they look for the given string only
at the beginning and at the end of their input,
2.2.2 Markup splitters
The observation on the generic and purpose-specific
filters also holds true for splitters: as we restrict the
inputs to be more specific, the splitters we can apply to
them become more sophisticated.
xml-element scans
the input for well-formed XML elements. Elements are
passed to the true
sink together with their content, and all the
intervening data goes to the false sink. If there is no
intervening data between two consecutive elements,
this splitter sends an empty XML comment to the
false sink as
intervening data. Therefore, this is not a pure
splitter: it generates some data that was not present
in its input. This behaviour makes the splitter usable
for chunking consecutive elements, as will be seen
later. When used with the other element-processing
components, as is usually the case, the extra empty
comments are irrelevant.
xml-element-content behaves
similarly to the xml-element splitter,
except it strips the start and end tags off the
top-level elements, and sends only their content to
the true sink. The
top-level element tags, together with any intervening
data content, go to the false sink.
is parametrized by an element name, and optionally
with a namespace. It behaves like the xml-element splitter, but
it sends to its true sink only those
top-level elements whose name matches the given
argument name.
xml-attribute-named is
parametrized by an attribute name, and optionally with
a namespace. If it finds an element attribute matching
the given name among the top-level elements in its
input, it sends it to the true sink. Everything else
goes to the false
xml-attribute-value expects
a list of attributes as its input. It sends attribute
values, with the quote delimiters stripped, to its
true sink, and the
rest of the input to its false sink.
3 Streaming component combinators
A library of streaming components like those listed in the
previous section can help perform various basic tasks, but we
call them components
because the goal is to use them together as building blocks
for assembling more sophisticated stream-processing tools.
One way to combine streaming components is to wire their ports
together; for examples see [
Morrison 1994
] and [
XML Pipeline 2002
]. This method directly corresponds to
the way pipelines are usually represented graphically, by
drawing lines between components' ports. While a specification
written in this style can express any possible configuration
of components, the technique does not scale well: the number
of possible connections grows as the square of the number of
all ports of all components present in the network.
The other common approach is to use combinators. Component
combinators operate on whole components instead of their
ports, much in the same way that combinatory logic [
Curry 1958
] operates on whole functions instead
of their arguments and results. An example of this
specification method in streaming frameworks is [
Krupnikov 2003
], but the best known streaming combinator is
the Unix pipe operator.
While the wiring approach is applicable to any number of
components of any kind, a combinator can be applied only to
specific kinds of components. This constraint leads to two
design imperatives:
All basic components should be classified by what
combinators can be applied to them, and the number of
different component classes should be kept to a minimum.
The more different component classes there are, the more
different combinators are needed to operate on them.
The result of a combinator application is another
component. This combined component should always fall
into one of the component classes of the framework. That
way we can keep applying the same combinators to the
intermediate results, producing more and more complex
The framework presented here classifies all components into
two classes: filters and splitters. Every basic component is
either a splitter or a filter, the only arguments of every
combinator are splitters and filters, and the result of each
combinator application is either a filter or a splitter
3.1 Filter combinators
>> The most
obvious and well-known combinator of streaming
components is the pipe operator. It takes two filters
and combines them together into a single filter
component. The resulting component acts as a composition
of the two argument filters: it passes the input to one
filter, the output of that filter is passed to the other
filter, and its output becomes the output of the
combined component.
join combinator also
combines two filters into a single filter. However, this
combinator arranges the two filters in parallel. The
input of the resulting filter is replicated to both
component filters in parallel, and the output of the
resulting filter is a concatenation of the two component
filters' outputs.
To do its job, the join combinator uses two non-standard
components. The tee
component, known from the Unix environment, replicates
its input into two parallel streams. This component is
neither a filter nor a splitter, so no generic component
combinator can use it. Another non-standard Unix-style
component is cat
taking two (or more) inputs and concatenating them in
order. Again, this component cannot be used by generic
component combinators. However, in place of these two
components we can provide the join combinator that combines
two filters into another filter component. The combined
component internally uses tee to replicate its input to
both of the filters it contains and then cat to concatenate the
filters' outputs. The result behaves as an ordinary
filter and can be used by other combinators. Notice,
however, that the result filter of join is not
completely streaming, as it has to buffer the output of
the second component filter until the end of the input.
3.2 Pseudo-logical splitter combinators
A pure splitter component can be thought of as a
representation of a logic predicate. The portion of the
input that the splitter sends to one of its two sinks is
taken to satisfy the predicate, and the input that goes to
its other sink does not. Having this picture in mind, the
following splitter combinators become obvious.
The ! (not)
operator simply reverses the outputs of the argument
splitter. In other words, data that the argument
splitter sends to its true sink goes to the
false sink, and vice
The >&
operator sends the true sink output of its left
operand to the input of its right operand for further
splitting. Both operands' false sinks are connected to
the false sink of
the combined splitter, but any piece of input to get
into the true sink
of the combined component data must pass both splitters.
Figure 3 illustrates this.
Figure 3: >& splitter combinator

[Graphic entity and-splitter-figure — EML2006bla050903.png]
; record declaration
declare record and-splitter extends splitter
field splitter left
field splitter right
; constructor definition
export overloaded splitter infix-function
value splitter left
value splitter right
local and-splitter result
set result:left to left
set result:right to right
return result
; split method overriding
define overriding string sink function
split (value and-splitter s,
value string sink true,
value string sink false)
using output as split (s:left, split (s:right, true, false), false)
output #current-input
The >| splitter
combinator is a mirror image of >& combinator, as
illustrated by figure 4. Its
input can get to its false sink only by going
through both argument splitters' false sinks.
Figure 4: >| splitter combinator

[Graphic entity or-splitter-figure — EML2006bla050904.png]
; ... skipping the record and constructor declaration
; split method overriding
define overriding string sink function
split (value or-splitter s,
value string sink true,
value string sink false)
using output as split (s:left, true, split (s:right, true, false))
output #current-input
Note that the >& and >| operators are not exact
equivalents of the corresponding Boolean and/or operators. In particular, they
are commutative only when their two argument splitters agree
on what forms a unit of input, i.e., when the input stream is a
uniform sequence of records. Most markup splitters do not
satisfy this property. For example, the expression
xml-element-named "A" >&
xml-element-content >& xml-element-named
"B" is an equivalent of the XPath expression
A/B, which is obviously not commutative.
3.3 Flow-control combinators
Since approximating a splitter as a logic predicate (
i.e., a boolean
expression) turned out to be productive, we can try digging
deeper into our intuition for useful metaphors. For example,
we can see a filter component as an imperative statement. A
filter modifies the stream that flows through it, much like
an imperative statement that modifies the state surrounding
it. The piping operator >> would then be an
equivalent of a statement sequencing operator. Having both
imperative statements and Boolean expressions, the natural
thing to look for next would be an equivalent of the
flow-control statements.
The if
combinator takes a splitter and two filters and combines
them into a single filter component, as shown in figure
5. The resulting filter
applies one argument filter to one portion of the input
and the other filter to the other portion of input,
depending on where the splitter routes the data.
Figure 5: if combinator

[Graphic entity if-filter-figure — EML2006bla050905.png]
; apply-filter method overriding
define overriding function
apply-filter value if-filter filter
from value string source filter-source
into value string sink filter-sink
using output as split (filter:splitter,
filter:left >> filter-sink,
filter:right >> filter-sink)
output filter-source
The combinators where
and unless are simpler
versions of the if
combinator, having one of the two filters be as-is. The select combinator uses the
as-is and suppress filters as the
true and false sinks, respectively. In
effect, the select
combinator converts a splitter into a filter which retains
only the true portion of
the input. The three combinators can be more formally
defined as follows:
splitter where filter → if splitter then filter else as-is
splitter unless filter → if splitter then as-is else filter
select splitter → suppress unless splitter
A combinator language is point-free by definition, so we
cannot use component names or labels to achieve looping and
recursion. If we want our component networks to be able to
form loops, we need more flow-control combinators.
The recursive combinator while, illustrated in figure
6, feeds the true sink of the argument
splitter back to itself, filtered by the argument
filter. The false
sink of the splitter is passed on unmodified. The
combinator until is
the mirror image of while.
Figure 6: while combinator

[Graphic entity while-filter-figure — EML2006bla050906.png]
; apply-filter method overriding
define overriding function
apply-filter value while-filter self
from value string source filter-source
into value string sink filter-sink
do scan filter-source
match lookahead any
using output as split (self:splitter,
self:filter >> self >> filter-sink,
output #current-input
The recursive combinator nested combines two splitters
into a mutually recursive loop acting as a single
splitter. The true
sink of one of the argument splitters and false sink of the other
become the true and
false sinks of the
loop. The other two sinks are bound to the other
splitter's source. This particular combinator does not
have a corresponding flow-control equivalent in the
world of programming languages. The reason for this is
that the use of nested only makes sense on
hierarchically structured streams. If we gave it some
input containing a flat sequence of records, and
assuming both component splitters are deterministic and
stateless, a record would either not loop at all or it
would loop forever.
Figure 7: nested combinator

[Graphic entity nested-splitter-figure — EML2006bla050907.png]
; split method overriding
define overriding string sink function
split (value nested-splitter self,
value string sink true,
value string sink false)
do when #current-input matches (lookahead any)
using output as split (self:upper-splitter,
split (self:lower-splitter,
split (self, true, false),
repeat scan #current-input
match any => one
output one
3.4 Active combinators
Each of the combinators defined so far builds a streaming
network out of its argument components, and then lets the
network do its job. The combinator itself plays no role
after the initial configuration. This property guarantees
that the combinator is completely generic: the type of input
that can be processed by the network is constrained only by
its components, not by the combinators applied to them.
The combinators defined next are different; they are still
generic enough to be used on any kind of input, but they
also actively process the input stream. They achieve these
seemingly contradictory goals by using their splitter
argument to determine the structure of the input. Every
contiguous portion of the input that gets passed to one or
the other sink of the splitter is treated as one section in
the logical structure of the input stream. What is done with
the section depends on the combinator, but the sections, and
therefore the logical structure of the stream, are
determined by the argument splitter alone.
The combinator first
takes a splitter as an argument and returns another
splitter. The result behaves the same as the argument
splitter up to and including the first portion of the
input which goes into the argument's true sink. All input
following the first true portion goes into the
false sink.
The result of the combinator last is a splitter which
directs all input to its false sink, up to the last
portion of the input which goes to its argument's
true sink. That
portion of the input is the only one that goes to the
resulting component's true sink.
The splitter returned by the combinator last has to buffer the
previous two portions of its input, because it cannot
know if a true
portion of the input is the last one until it sees the
end of the input or another portion succeeding the
previous one.
The foreach
combinator is similar to the combinator if in that it combines a
splitter and two filters into another filter. However,
in this case the filters are re-instantiated for each
consecutive portion of the input as the splitter chunks
it up. Each contiguous portion of the input that the
splitter sends to one of its two sinks gets filtered
through the appropriate argument filter as that filter's
whole input. As soon as the contiguous portion is
finished, the filter gets terminated.
The having
combinator combines two pure splitters into a pure
splitter. Again, one splitter is used to chunk the input
into contiguous portions. Its false sink is routed directly
to the false sink of
the combined splitter. The second splitter is
instantiated and run on each portion of the input that
goes to first splitter's true sink. If the second
splitter sends any output at all to its true sink, the whole input
portion is passed on to the true sink of the combined
splitter, otherwise it goes to its false sink.
The having-only
combinator is analogous to the having combinator, but it
succeeds and passes each chunk of the input to its
true sink only if
the second splitter sends no part of it to its
false sink.
Note that the combinators having and having-only must buffer each
complete chunk of input until the second splitter tests it.
One reason buffering matters is that flow-control
combinators require their argument components to agree on
which parts of the stream get buffered and at which point
they get flushed. If one of the subcomponents buffers a part
of its input and the other does not, the output of the
combined component may be improperly interleaved. The
following filter expression is one such example:
if xml-element-content then as-is else select last all-true |
Both branches of the expression produce identical output, so
the whole expression may seem equivalent to as-is, but because all the
element tags get buffered by last
all-true they will be output after the element
content. We can synchronize the two branches by using the
foreach combinator
instead of if.
4 Examples
Let us try to define some higher-level components as a
test of the framework's expressivity.
The matching combinator
takes a splitter selector
and a string constant value
and returns a splitter that compares each portion of the
input passed by the selector against the value:
selector matching value → selector having-only prefix value |
or, in OmniMark syntax:
export splitter infix-function
value splitter selector
value string value
return selector having-only prefix value |
The attribute-is splitter,
parametrized by two strings, name
and value, passes
all top-level elements that have an attribute with the
same name and value.
name attribute-is value
→ xml-element having ((xml-attribute-named name >& xml-attribute-value)
matching value) |
The xml-element-count
filter takes XML input and outputs the number of all
top-level elements.
→ (foreach xml-element then replace-by "." else suppress) >> character-count |
The descendant-element-named
splitter component finds all nested elements with the
given name:
descendant-element-named name
→ nested (xml-element-named name) in xml-element-content |
The text-content splitter
extracts the text content of all top-level elements in its
text-content → xml-element-content >& !xml-element |
The next example illustrates the use of the join combinator. For any file-path element in the input
stream, whose content is a slash-delimited file path, the
component adds a corresponding base file name enclosed in
file-name element tags.
foreach descendant-element-named "file-path"
then as-is join ((select xml-element-content)
>> (select last (!substring "/"))
>> (prepend "<file-name>")
>> (append "</file-name>")) |
As the final example, consider the following XQuery
for $r in //book[.//keyword[text() = "filter"]]
return <reference>{$r/title/text()}</reference>
</references> |
Assuming there are no book elements nested within each other,
this query can be rewritten using the streaming combinators in
the following fashion:
foreach (descendant-element-named "book"
having (descendant-element-named "keyword"
>& text-content matching "filter"))
then (select (descendant-element-named "title") >& xml-element-content)
>> (prepend "<reference>") >> (append "</reference>")
else suppress
>> (prepend "<references>") >> (append "</references>") |
5 Conclusion and future work
We have demonstrated that the concept of splitter and filter
components, coupled with the power of generic component
combinators, is expressive enough to build new filters and new
splitters from a small base of predefined basic components and
component combinators.
In the future, we hope to use the presented framework in
real-world applications. More practice is needed to grow the
library of basic components and combinators.
We can see that all components communicate with each other
through simple data streams, with no out-of-bounds control
signals whatsoever. While this feature of the framework
simplifies manipulation and reasoning about the component
networks, it is a constraint in some cases. In particular, one
must take care when using buffering components: If they
disagree on the structure of the input stream the output of
the network can be improperly interleaved. A solution that
could discover a problem of this kind by a static analysis of
the component network would be greatly preferable to
synchronization signals.
Another area of research would be concerned with various
transformations of the component networks. One possibility is
automatic conversion of XPath and XQuery expressions into a
streaming component representation. At the other end, a
built-up component pipeline, or at least parts of it, could be
compiled into more efficient code in OmniMark or another host
language. And in between, the component network could be
transformed either at the high level, using a graph rewriting
system, or at the lower level, by fusing multiple components
into a single one.
Though the current implementation is in OmniMark, the only
features the framework requires from the implementation
language are abstract data types and some form of coroutine
support. One interesting possibility would be to implement the
same framework in Haskell, since the existing implementations
of parser combinator libraries in Haskell have proven quite
I want to thank Jacques Légaré for his comments,
Helen St. Denis, Joe Gollner and Norbert Winklareth for
finding the time to read the paper, and the rest of the team
at Stilo for providing the initial motivation for the work.
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